
지속가능경영 정책


Biodiversity Policy

We consider biodiversity protection to be of critical importance for our sustainable development, and we recognize the potential impacts of the environment and biodiversity on our business. In our decision-making process, we acknowledge the necessity of biodiversity protection and implement all necessary measures to minimize the impact of our operations on the environment. To this end, we carry out the following activities.

  1. We prevent, minimize, and mitigate biodiversity risks across the entirety of our business. Prior to commencing a new project, we conduct a biodiversity risk assessment and monitor and avoid any related risks. We endeavor to apply this policy to our own business operations, tier one suppliers, tier two suppliers and above, and business partners.
  2. All of our business sites that are located in key areas of biodiversity, including land management and biodiversity protection areas, as well as regions covered by international conventions(World Heritage areas, IUCN Category I-Ⅳ protected areas), comply with all relevant local, regional, and national legal requirements.
  3. We prioritize the protection of rare and endemic species at risk of extinction, and provide support for regional, national, and international initiatives on biodiversity protection. Further, to enhance knowledge and understanding of biodiversity protection issues, we promote the continuous dissemination of relevant information to our employees and stakeholders.
  4. We strive to achieve No Net Loss (NNL) of biodiversity at business sites located in ecologically important habitats. For each business site, we establish strict standards on pollutant emissions, and substitute and reduce our use of hazardous chemicals. We identify related risks through regular biodiversity risk assessments, and if important habitats are confirmed in the vicinity of our business sites, we mitigate negative impacts by 1) avoiding impacts, 2) reducing emissions of harmful substances, 3) regenerating and restoring biodiversity, and 4) transforming our business.
  5. Through cooperation with a specialist partner and local communities, we strive to achieve a Net Positive Impact on biodiversity. By 2026, we aim to form an experimental control group and conduct a biodiversity protection/promotion campaign in the Dangjin area through a research investigation on the status of biodiversity in and around our business sites. By 2030, we will advance projects to strengthen ecological niches, with a focus on national and international protected species and ecologically critical species. Additionally, we will continue to develop and disseminate training programs that raise awareness of biodiversity among our employees and local communities. By 2050, we are aiming to strengthen ecological functions through an increase in the number of biological species and individuals. To this end, we aim to achieve a Net Positive Impact by regularly monitoring the status of biodiversity, measuring and disclosing outcomes, and advancing related projects.
Record on Enactment and Revision
Biodiversity Policy Enacted in Feb, 2018
Biodiversity Policy Revised in March, 2019
Biodiversity Policy Revised in July , 2020
Biodiversity Policy Revised in May, 2021
Biodiversity Policy Revised in June, 2022
Biodiversity Policy Revised in August, 2023

See the History of Policies See the Recent Policy