Product Technology

Automotive Steel Sheet

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As environmental problems caused by greenhouse gas draw spotlight, various countries of the world are working to reduce carbon emissions. Automotive steel plate of HYUNDAI STEEL reduces vehicle body weight by securing high strength required to manufacture eco-friendly automobiles. The ultra-high strength steel for automobiles, which overcomes the processing limitations with newly developed steel types, is applied to various vehicles, while the outer plate of automobiles requiring best surface quality and formability is used for door, roof, hood, trunk lid, etc.

Product Features

  • Steel Sheets for Vehicle Frames and Exteriors
    - Steel plate requiring high surface quality and formability
    - High processability, ultra low carbon, and high purity secured with thorough processing and quality management
  • Ultra High Strength Steel for Automobiles
    - Requires technology for high strength and high formability
    - Overcomes the limitations of processing through the development of new steel type (TWIP steel)
    - Increased productivity and extended range of application on new vehicles by developing core technology of new methods

Product applications

  • [Outer plate for automobile]

  • [ultra high strength steel plate1]

  • [ultra high strength steel plate2]
Contact Us
Classification Name E-mail
America & Europe Automotive Steel Sales Team Giho Hwang
Asia Automotive Steel Sales Team Jongmin Park
Global Automotive Steel Strategy Team HyungKeun Chi