We are taking the initiative in creating a pleasant worksite environment by making improvements after identifying the exposure/occurrence of harmful factors that may occur at the worksite for the prevention of employees' health hazards
- Work environment survey: process evaluation/improvement prior to the occurrence of harmful factors
- Survey of harmful factors for the musculoskeletal system: survey/improvement of operations that burden the musculoskeletal system
Management of Chemical Substances
We are setting up a strict chemical substance management system by computerizing information on all chemical substances used at our company. We are performing management and improvement by each grade through risk assessment for used chemical substances while managing chemical substances so that they can be safely used through continuous training on the handling instructions, etc.
Sports Facilities
We provide various places for relieving stress and taking physical exercise by operating company health clubs, indoor sports facilities (basketball, badminton, table tennis, etc), and soccer/Jokgu (foot volleyball) fields for promoting the health of executives and employees.