Corporate Overview

Management Philosophy

HYUNDAI STEEL achieves sustainable growth by fulfilling its economic and social responsibilities as a global corporate citizen through the company’s management philosophy, core values, and vision.

Management Philosophy

Make the dream of mankind come true by creating a new future through creative thinking and endless adventures.
Unlimited Sense of Responsibility
It is with our sense of responsibility for our stakeholders that we become a successful business. Furthermore, in delivering the highest possible quality for customers, we are driven to make progress.
Realization of Possibilities
We refuse to remain relaxed or complacent in our success. Our unique challenging spirit lies at the core of our corporate DNA and is what compels us time and time again to make what was impossible possible. We will continue to pursue shared growth with our employees, suppliers and local communities through the pioneering spirit and forthright sense of entrepreneurship.
Respect for Mankind
The company enriches the lives of humankind by providing human-oriented values, top-notch products, and services to more people more promptly.

Core Value

In putting to action its core values of adventures and passions, Hyundai Motors Group has its heart beating more vigorously.

We promote a customer-driven corporate culture by providing the best quality and service for our customers
We refuse to fall into the trap of complacency, we embrace each challenge as a welcome opportunity, and we are confident in achieving our goals with unwavering enthusiasm and an ingenious mindset
We create synergy through a sense of "togetherness" that is fostered by mutual communication and cooperation within the company and with our business partners.
We believe the future of our organization lies in the hearts and capabilities of individual members, and we will do all we can to help these individuals develop their potential by creating a corporate culture that respects individuality.
We respect the diversity of cultures and customs, aspire to be the world’s best at what we do, and strive to become a respected global corporate citizen.

Vision Statement

As an eco-friendly and resource-circulation company, we will lead a new era for the steel industry by providing high value-added products and services, and by achieving global competitiveness based on cooperation with all our customers.

Leading the new era of steel

Corporate Identity

High Spirit, Harmony, Humanity

The symbol "H" highlighting the company name of HYUNDAI STEEL represents High Spirit, Harmony, and Humanity.
The strong two axes of H stand for new and existing business projects of HYUNDAI STEEL and the relationship between the company and customers,
while the bridge in the middle represents the future that grows with balance and integration of the two axes.
The color blue indicates that HYUNDAI STEEL is a leading company that realizes the blueprint for a bright future with advanced technology and high level of trust.
The High Spirit, Harmony, and Humanity represent the fact that HYUNDAI STEEL will continue to grow into the world's greatest steel company
that contributes to a bright future society through challenging and innovative spirits and harmony.

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