
Fair Trade Compliance Program Operation Status

In 20002, HYUNDAI STEEL introduced and has since enforced the fair trade compliance program (CP) in order to create a basis for viability toward sustainable growth by securing reliability from customers with managerial transparency.

Fair Trade Compliance System of HYUNDAI STEEL

HYUNDAI STEEL leads legal compliance through implementing the seven key factors of the fair trade compliance program.

  • Compliance Intention
    Expression of fair trade compliance intention by CEO
  • Formation of Organization
    Appointment of a compliance manager, Operation of a compliance team, Periodic reports to the CEO and the Board of Directors, Operation of a consultative body on CP
  • Implementation Plan
    Introductory training for new employees, Training with invited specialists & cyber training, Compliance handbook distribution & document management, Sanctions on employees violating fair trade laws, Compliance encouragement awards
  • Monitoring
    Internal inspection by the employee in charge of fair trade, independent inspection by each department, self-diagnosis checklist, counseling and hotline

Fair Trade Compliance Intention

Operation is based on the introduction of fair trade compliance program and an actual system with a view to transparency and fairness.

Compliance Program Declaration

Fair Trade Compliance Promotion Organization

Compliance Promotion Organization : A compliance manager inspects the fulfillment of fair trade compliance by employees and reports its details to the Board of Directors periodically.

CEO - Board of directors - Compliance Manager - Compliance Team - Sales Div. Purchase Div. Finance and Economy Div. Management Planning Div. Management Support Div. Incheon Works Pohang Works Dangjin Steelworks Suncheon Works

Fair Trade Performance

Hyundai Steel supports employees' voluntary compliance with fair trade through training, internal inspections, and the publication and revision of a voluntary compliance manual every year.

(1) Training

Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of training sessions (times) 6 8 5 5 5
Trainees who have completed training courses (persons) 575 707 679 422 632

(2) Internal inspection

Internal inspection
Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Departments that have completed inspections 61 52 41 12 6

(3) Prior consultation system before internal transactions

Prior consultation system before internal transactions
Category 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Departments that have completed inspections 37 46 159 109 114

Published and revised voluntary compliance manuals for departments that have been inspected

Hyundai Steel supports employees' decision making concerning fair trade through continuous revisions of the voluntary compliance manual, reflecting changes in fair trade laws and regulations and the business environment.

  • - 2002 : Appointed a compliance manager(Head of Financial Management Division)
  • - 2003 : Published the voluntary compliance manual for fair trade
  • - 2004 : Changed the compliance manager(Head of Strategic Planning Division)
  • - 2005 : Revised the voluntary compliance manual for fair trade
  • - 2005 : Changed the compliance manager(successor to the position)
  • - 2006 : Changed the compliance manager(successor to the position)
  • - 2008 : Revised the voluntary compliance manual for fair trade
  • - 2010 : Published the voluntary compliance guidebook
  • - 2011 : Published the voluntary compliance manual for marketing
  • - 2012 : Published the voluntary compliance manual for purchasing
  • - 2014 : Changed the compliance manager(successor to the position)
  • - 2014 : Revised the voluntary compliance manual for fair trade
  • - 2018 : Changed the compliance manager(Head of Corporate Planning Group)
  • - 2020 : Established a department dedicated to fair trade(Compliance Team)
  • - 2021 : Changed the compliance manager(Head of Compliance Management Group)